Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Interview Questions

1.) How has rising sea levels affected you so far?
2.) What do you fear for the future?
3.) How do you think the process could be slowed?
4.) What could be done to better deal with or promote the problem?
5.) What do you know of that is being done to handle the situation?
6.) What are your options if sea levels become too high for your area?
             -Do you expect it to get that bad?
7.) Are you involved with rising sea level action? How?
8.) Do you think this is a known about issue? Why? Why not?

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Island President Twitter Account

This twitter account follows the President of the Maldives under the documentary name and his progress in the fight against his sinking country

Sea Level Rise: A Political Battle?

Maldives climate change action

SmartPlanet Blog

This is a blog that focuses on new design techniques for our changing environment  With the Maldives sinking there needs to be new solutions in order to help them adapt.  One being a possible "floating island" solution.

Facebook: Climate Progress

This page provides up to date information about climate change and also deals with sea level rises

NOAA Twitter

Here is the Twitter account for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA)  This provides data, tools, and other up to date information about coastal managing.

The Island President (2011), Trailer

Sea Level Rise Green Peace

This is a great article that covers all aspects of sea level rise

Water is Rising: Music and Dance Amid Climate Change

Impacts on the Maldives Due to Climate Change

Here you will find some proposed solutions to the situation of rising seas on the people of the Maldives

Global Warming Effects Around The World

Here is some background information about the Maldives and some plans for the future

Rising Seas and its Effects on Economy

"Sea level rise could reduce the world economy by 10% this century."